
Tervisetest - QRMA

Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer

Theory Description – Teooria kirjeldus

The human body is the collective body of large number of cells, which are in continuous growth, development, differentiation, regeneration, and death.  The cells renew themselves by self-division. There are about 25,000,000 cells dividing in adult human body per second. And the dividing speed of the blood cells is about 100,000,000/s. During the process of dividing and growth, the nucleus and the extranuclear electron, the basic components of the cell with electricity, are making the high- speed movement and changing. In the meanwhile, the electromagnetic waves are radiating outward constantly. The electromagnetic waves stand for the different specific states of human body, such as healthy state, sub-healthy state and disease state. In different states, the corresponding electromagnetic waves are different. Thus, we can check out the human body state if these specific electromagnetic waves are detected.
Inimkeha on suure hulga rakkude kollektsioon, mis on pidevas kasvus, arengus, diferentseerumises, taastumises ja surmas. Rakud uuendavad ennast iseseisvalt. Täiskasvanud inimese kehas jagatakse sekundis umbes 25 000 000 rakku. Vererakkude jagunemiskiirus on umbes 100 000 000/s. Jagamise ja kasvu protsessis teevad tuum ja ekstranukleaarne elektron (raku põhikomponendid) elektrienergiaga kiire liikumise ja muutumise, kiirates elektromagnetilisi lained pidevalt väljapoole. Elektromagnetilised lained on inimese keha eri seisundite (näiteks tervisliku seisundi ja haiguse seisundi) väljendused. Erinevates riikides on vastavad elektromagnetilised lained erinevad. Seega, kui me tuvastame need spetsiifilised elektromagnetilised lained, võime kontrollida inimese keha olekut.

In quantum medical area, the fundamental reason for people suffering disease is that the spinning and the orbiting of the electron have changed, which makes the atoms change, which causes the biological micro-molecule change. Therefore, the biological macromolecule changes, gradually, the whole cell starts to change, and ultimately the whole organ change. Since the electron is a charged body, when the spinning and the orbiting of it have changed, the electromagnetic waves inside will change accordingly. The energy of electromagnetic wave variation, which is caused by the different states of dieses and nutrition, is very weak, usually only Ns Gaussian or To Micro-Gauss. The frequency and the energy of the magnetic field are measured by holding the sensor with hand. It is similar to the theory of listening to the radio. There are various wireless waves in the air, but if the user want to listen to certain broadcasting station, the user should modulate the radio to the same frequency, which causes the resonance, and then, the radio can get the specific radio station. Quantum Resonance is based on this theory as well.
Kvantmeditsiini valdkonnas on haiguse all kannatavate inimeste peamine põhjus see, et elektroni pöörlemine ja orbiidid on muutunud, mis muudab aatomite muutumise, mis põhjustab bioloogilise mikromolekuli muutumist. Seetõttu muutuvad bioloogilised makromolekulid järk-järgult, kogu rakk hakkab muutuma ja lõpuks muutub kogu elund. Kuna elektron on laetud keha, siis kui raku tasakaal on muutunud, muutuvad seesmised elektromagnetlained vastavalt. Elektromagnetilise laine varieerumise energia, mis on tingitud haiguste ja toitumise erinevatest seisunditest, on väga nõrk, tavaliselt ainult
[Ns Gaussian or Micro-Gauss]. Magnetvälja sagedust ja energiat mõõdetakse, hoides andurit käega. See on sarnane raadio kuulamise teooriaga. Õhus on mitmesuguseid laineid, kuid kui kasutaja soovib teatud raadiojaama kuulata, peaks kasutaja raadiosagedust muutma sama sagedusega, mis põhjustab resonantsi, ja seejärel hääestub raadio konkreetsele raadiojaamale. Kvantresonantsi aluseks on ka seesama teooria.


What is Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer? – Mis on Kvant Resonants Magnet Analüsaator?

The Quantum Resonant Magnetic Analyzer is a Hi-tech innovation project, which is related to medical, bio-informatics, electronic engineering, etc.  It is based on quantum medical, and scientifically analyzes the human cell’s weak magnetic field collected by advanced electronic device. The analyzer can work out the customer’s health situation and main problem. According to the checking result, the analyzer can figure out the reasonable treatment recommendation. The quantum resonant magnetic analyzer is the individualized guide of comprehensive healthy consulting and updated healthy sciences, and its characteristics and advantages are comprehensive, non-invasive, practical, simple, quick, economical and easy to popularize. With the deep research and scientific development, the analyzer will make great contributions to human health project, and it has broad developing and applying prospect.
Kvant Resonants Magnet Analüsaator on kõrgtehnika innovatsiooniprojekt, mis on seotud meditsiini, bioinformaatika, elektroonika jt. See põhineb kvantmeditsiinil ning analüüsib teaduslikult kaugelearendatud elektroonilise seadme abil kogutud inimraku nõrka magnetvälja. Analüsaator tuvastab kliendi tervisliku seisundi ja põhiprobleemi. Vastavalt kontrollitulemusele saab analüsaator välja pakkuda mõistliku ravisoovituse. Kvant Resonants Magnet Analüsaator on terviklike konsultatsioonide ja uuendatud teaduste individualiseeritud juhend ning selle omadused ja eelised on kõikehõlmavad, mitteinvasiivsed, praktilised, lihtsad, kiired, ökonoomsed ja kergesti populariseeritavad. Tänu põhjalikele teadusuuringutele ja teaduslikele arengutele annab analüsaator suure panuse inimeste terviseprojekti, millel on laialdane arendav ja rakendav väljavaade.

Analüsaator tuvastab:

01. Cardio- and Cerebrovascular
04. Liver Function
07. Kidney Function
10. Bone Disease
13. Bone Growth Index
16. Vitamin
19. Fatty acid
22. Thyroid
25. Basic Physical Quality
28. Skin
31. Channels and collaterals




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02. Gastrointestinal Function
05. Gallbladder Function
08. Lung Function
11. Bone Mineral Density
14. Blood Sugar
17. Amino Acid
20. Endocrine System
23. Human Toxin
26. Allergy
29. Eye
32. Pulse of heart and brain

34. Prostate
36. Sperm and semen

34. Gynecology
36. Menstrual cycle


03. Large Intestine Function
06. Pancreatic Function
09. Brain Nerve
12. Rheumatoid Bone Disease
15. Trace Element
18. Coenzyme
21. Immune System
24. Heavy Metal
27. Obesity
30. Collagen
33. Blood lipids

35. Male Sexual Function
37. Element of Human

35. Breast
37. Element of Human


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